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Sixth Form Enrolment

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How to accept your place in Year 12 and enrol

Students that have been offered a place at The Burgate Sixth Form starting in September should follow the steps below to confirm they will be accepting their place and what to do to enrol. 

The standard entry requirements for The Burgate Sixth Form are six 9-4 passes at GCSE (including English & Maths) with grade 6 required for certain subjects. If you are concerned about the entry requirements or any of the grades you have achieved, please speak to one of our team who will be happy to discuss the possibilities and your course choices. 

Enrolment Information

Please contact us on GCSE Results Day to accept or decline your place and confirm your GCSE results: T: 01425 652039 or E:


If you are concerned about any of the grades you have achieved or would like to change your course options, please speak to our sixth form team who will be happy to help.


Important: Parents will be sent login and password details to enrol their child via our online admissions/enrolment platform, Applicaa. Online enrolment must be completed by 1 September 2024. 

Details about enrolment, fees and the start of term are below.

Black and White 6F image.jpg

1.    Accepting your place: 
Please call to accept or decline your place – T: 01425 652039 or email

On GCSE Results Day, Thursday 22 August, and Friday 23 August, our sixth form team will be here in person between 09:30 and 15:00 for you to speak with. 


2.    Online enrolment: 
The main parent contact named on the  student application will be sent an email asking to enrol their child via

our online admissions/enrolment platform, Applicaa by 1 September 2024.

This email will come from

Parents should check their spam/junk folder if they have not received this. 

Note: Non-Burgate students enrolling will need to upload a pdf or image of their GCSE exam results. 


3.    Enrolment Fees:

There is a £60 enrolment fee payable for all Year 12 students which covers various resources, facilities, and expenses. Please see details below. Payment should be made via the School Gateway.

Parents of non-Burgate students starting with us in September can create a new account with us from Tuesday 3 September.* We kindly

ask that the enrolment fee be paid by Friday 6 September 2024.

*If you are unable to create an account please email and confirm your emails address and mobile number and we can check that these correspond with our database.

Fees explained: 

There is a non-returnable fee of £30 to provide additional social and student facilities.

There is a returnable deposit of £15 towards the cost of Sixth Form academic resources which includes provision of a compulsory returnable lanyard. (Replacement lanyards will be charged for.)

There is a contribution of £15 towards two study skills sessions provided by an external agency, one in Year 12 on how to study for A Levels and another in Year 13 on preparing for final examinations.


4.    Year 12 First Day - Tuesday 3 September 2024: 
All Year 12 students should arrive by 08:35 to complete enrolment and other activities and will be required on site until 13:15.

Non-Burgate students who were unable to upload a pdf or image of their GCSE results online should bring a copy of these.

All bus transport will be running on this day but as students will be able to leave site before the end of the standard college day, students may wish to organise alternative transport home on this date. 

Student Bursary Fund

If your household income is less than £30,000 you will be eligible for assistance. Student’s own income from part time employment should not be included. The 16 – 19 Bursary Fund is government money, administered by the college, and is available to students from lower income households to assist with costs associated with their course, for instance trips, university visits, materials and equipment. These items must be an essential part of your studies, not supplied by the college. Assistance with the cost of public transport to and from college is also available.

How Bursary Works

Complete the Bursary application form online – this can be found on our website’s Sixth Form Information tab. The finance office will then ask that you provide proof of income. If your application is approved, you will be able to apply for assistance towards the cost of academic resources, transport, college trips or university visits. 


Receipts and a voucher need to be passed to the Head or Deputy Head of Sixth Form to be submitted for a claim. Mrs Williamson, in the Study Room, can help with a voucher and a parent needs to sign the voucher to confirm who should be reimbursed. If the expenditure is for a trip or visit, the amount you are required to pay will be reduced.

If you have any questions, please call Mrs Williamson on 01425 652039 - option 2 or email:

Bus Transport

Please click here to visit our Travel Page and view bus full bus routes


B1-6 and 763

Students travelling on these routes can normally purchase tickets from 1 August via Salisbury Reds:


MP013 – Sixth form students are not eligible to travel on this bus. This route is for main school students only.


NFV – HCC (02242) and 42 – HCC (41389)

All student previously eligible to free transport on these routes will no longer be once they begin sixth form. You may be able to purchaseny spare seats on this route and will need to contact the Hampshire School Transport Team to apply:


School Minibus

Applications for our school minibus have now closed until the start of autumn term. If at the beginning of September you would like to request a seat on this service then please email:



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