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Starting at The Burgate School 

Frequently asked questions - FAQs

We hope that we have included all of the information that you may need to support your child's transition from primary school to secondary school or in-year school move. Information for students moving from Year 6 to Year 7 can be found on our Year 6 Induction page but please explore our website for lots more information. 


Below we have included some questions we have recently been asked - if we have missed anything or you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact our admissions team via: or by calling: 01425 652039

1.  Will there be an additional summer induction over the holidays?

No - we welcome our new students to their induction day in July. However, on their first day in September only our Year 11 students will be returning to school also and so this day is very much dedicated to supporting our new Year 7 cohort.

2. What day/time do the students start back in September?

New Year 7 students will have their first day on Tuesday 3 September 2024. This is a normal school day and so students should be at school by 08:25 for registration at 08:30. All school buses will be running on this day. Please ensure you have purchased necessary tickets or, if applicable have received written confirmation from Hampshire County Council that your child can travel on a specific route.


3. Will buses be operational on the first day?

Yes - all school transport will be operating on this first day. Parents who believe their child may be eligible for free school transport should have applied for bus passes via their local county council school transport team by 1 July 2024 and received written confirmation from them that their child can travel on a specific route before this first day of term. Students planning to travel on commercial routes should ensure they have purchased tickets via Salisbury Reds ahead of the start of the new school term. 

For further information and to check our bus routes please visit our travel page . 

4. What uniform/PE kit is essential and what is optional? 

Please view our uniform policy for this information and other uniform requirements. Important notes about ordering uniform can be found on the Year 6 Induction page.

Please note: PE trainer AND Artificial Ground (AG) boots with round plastic
are required. 

5. Are black trainers allowed?

School shoes must be all-black leather but can be in a trainer-style.

We do not specify a colour requirement for sports trainers.

6. Is there an equipment list for stationary to include a specific calculator?

Please view the parent induction guide via the Year 6 Induction page.

7. Will the students have lockers?

We don't use lockers as our students learn to successfully manage their daily equipment needs.

8. Do students get given a physical diary or is it an online platform?

Students are given a planner to support their organistation and wellbeing. 

9. How do students get their timetable? 

All students are given individual timetable at the beginning of the year to add to their planners -

this timetable is also visible on the sims parent app.

10. How can parents check attendance, rewards and behaviour? 

There is a SIMS app that parents will be given access to in the first few weeks of the school term.

11. Will students need to print out homework or upload it?

Homework is set via MS Teams and generally work is uploaded here also. 

12. What online learning platform do you use?

We use Microsoft 365 school and use all platforms within this. 

13. What language do students study in Year 7?

During the first half term all Year 7 students all will have lessons in both French and Spanish before deciding which language

to continue with for the remainder of Year 7 and Year 8. Thereafter students will choose which language

to continue with at GCSE or if they would like, to pick up the second language also.

14. The website refers to an X and Y banding- what does this mean?

We split each year group into 'x' and 'y' this simply helps us with staffing and timetabling.

15. Will there be an opportunity for parents to ask more questions?  

Parents of our new Year 7 students are invited to a Parent Welcome Evening in July the date for this

year will be on the Year 6 induction page.   

16. How do parents communicate with their child’s form tutor?

Please view the parent guide on the Year 6 Induction page.

17. Who is the SENCo? 

Mr Brennan is our SENDCo and more information about SEND can be found here. 

18. Are all lessons taught in tutor groups?

Until half-term new Year 7 students will be taught within their tutor groups after this groups are split into 'x' and 'y'

19. How are students ‘set’ for core subjects?

This is done based on SATs and continual in-class assessment. 

20. What extra curricular clubs are running in the autumn term?

Your child's tutor will provide information about clubs at the start of the term and our enrichment portfolio is updated regularly. This provides more detail about clubs that are running and the timings as these are agreed. 

21. How do the students pay for food/drink at break and lunch? Can parents see the spending?

Parents can create a School Gateway account from Friday 1 September to pay for trips, visits and and to add lunch money to their child's account. To create an account on 1 September please visit

22. Is there a Year 7 designated area for break and lunchtime?

Yes, all year groups have a designated area and staff on duty.

23. How do parents access financial support for uniform and equipment ahead of the Sept start?

If your child is eligible for free school meals (FSM) or pupil premium, we are able to support with the purchase of school uniform, on production of receipts, to a maximum of £90 in Year 7.  We can also support 50% of the cost towards resources, school trips and music lessons.  Unfortunately we are not able to contribute to bus passes. To check if your child is eligible for FSM please follow the attached link To contact the fiinnance team or send receipts please email:



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