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Office 365 & Sims App

Sims Parent App

We use Sims Parent App as well as Sims Student App. Both of these allow the account holder to see attendance, behaviour, house points and timetables. 

Microsoft Teams

For homework we will continue to use MS Teams. We have had great success with this programme for our live teaching and submission of work tasks. Students can set up notifications to alert them to a task or message being added to their subject teams. For guidance on this please see the MS Team guide below. 


How to upload an Assignment 

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 is the login our students use. Through this portal they can access all microsoft applications including Word, Teams, Powerpoint and much more. Please click here to sign into Office 365. All students need to use their school email address and password.

Microsoft OneDrive

Onedirve is an online version of our student my documents and will be the way we encourage students to save their work. This means they can access this in school and at home through Office 365 login. The digital classroom set up for students is an area that is being developed tshi year and students will be sign posted to these areas as they are developed by our staff.  

How to access Microsoft Teams.



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